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Law, Ethics and News Literacy

The power of responsible journalism cannot be understated. I often think back to Washington Post writer DeNeen L. Brown’s Keynote Speech at the University of Maryland Journalism Day (J-Day) organized by the Maryland-District of Columbia Scholastic Press Association (MDCSPA), in which she discussed the great impact journalism has on institutions and people’s lives. As a high school journalist, I’m committed to upholding the principles of integrity and ethical conduct within our student media to produce good journalism. I strive to present a balanced and objective narrative in every piece we produce and publish.


I take pride in my ability as a journalist to navigate the legal and ethical considerations that govern responsible journalism. Through continuous learning, I have cultivated a deep understanding of journalism’s legal and ethical frameworks and recognize the importance of upholding these standards not only for my own writing but also in guiding and supporting my fellow team members to do the same.


In my role, I actively champion the cause of news literacy both on our campus and within our wider community. I understand the power of media to shape perceptions and influence opinions, and I strive to utilize our platform in a responsible and ethical manner. Whether through informative articles or engaging social media campaigns, I am committed to empowering our audience with the knowledge and critical thinking skills necessary to navigate today's media landscape effectively. On The MoCo Student, I collaborate with other local news organizations to promote news literacy and responsible media in our community.


By incorporating these principles into my daily work and helping my peers understand these considerations, I aim to foster a culture of ethical journalism and responsible media consumption. I believe that by equipping our community with the tools to engage critically with the information they encounter, we can contribute to a more informed and engaged society. I lead and encourage our staff to ensure a diverse range of perspectives in interviews and reporting. We actively seek out voices from various backgrounds and viewpoints, recognizing the importance of inclusivity and ensuring that our coverage authentically reflects the complexities of the issues at hand.


Over these years, in these publications, I’ve addressed issues like falsifying quotes, misattributing and bias in articles. I also remind our writers of their rights as part of a high school newspaper, such as freedom of speech and right to editorial independence. In particular, our newspaper adviser, editorial board, and I make sure our journalists are aware of Maryland’s New Voices Act passed in 2016, a law that protects the press freedom of Maryland’s public school student journalists and their advisers. 

Furthermore, I’m actively working to improve news literacy in my community by using the voice of my media responsibly. Since early-January, I’ve been working to create a journalism guide by The MoCo Student, with a focus on news literacy and how to write and consume journalism effectively. Our section editors have contributed their insights and experiences to the guide, and when I finish designing the guide, I will distribute it to all of our 90+ staff members and publish it on our website for our readers to publicly use and share.

2024 Maryland Journalist of the Year

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